How to install Asap Conver in Prestashop

Congratulations! If you are reading this tutorial is because you are probably about to increase your digital business. Welcome to the club.

Installing Asap Conver in Prestashop is a super simple task. Here you will see step by step how to do it.

First of all, once registered in Asap Conver you will need to create a campaign (see here how to create a campaign) and get the Pixel (a few lines of code) to link the campaign to the URL where you want to work.

Configure asap conver campaign
Click on the Copy Pixel button

This installation is done this way because Asap Conver does not download anything on your website, it does not affect the loading speed and web experience of your users.

1- To install it in your Prestashop store the first thing you have to do is to open the Cpanel file editor or connect via FTP

configurar asap conver en prestashop
Access the Cpanel and enter the file manager.

2 – Inside the file editor, you have to find the themes folder within all the files of your prestashop store (probably located in public_html)

configuracion asap conver en prestashop
Access the Themes folder

3- You must enter in your active theme (in this case it would be the classic folder) and enter in the templates -> _partials folder and edit the head.tpl file.

asap conver en prestashop
instalar asap conver en prestashop
instalar asap conver con prestashop
instalacion de asap conver en prestashop

You must copy the Pixel and paste it in this file as follows

Important! You must copy the pixel before the {block name=’head_seo’} field.

NOTE: If you have activated the Prestashop cache you must clear it.

And that’s it, you will be able to display everything you create in Asap Conver in your Prestashop store instantly.