How to install Asap Conver on Shopify
Congratulations! If you’re reading this tutorial it’s because you’re probably about to grow your digital business. Welcome to the club.
Installing Asap Conver on Shopify is a super simple task. Here you will see step by step how to do it.
First of all, once registered in Asap Conver you will need to create a campaign (see here how to create a campaign) and get the Pixel (a few lines of code) to link the campaign to the URL where you want to work.
This installation is done in this way because Asap Conver does not download anything on your web site, it does not affect the loading speed and web experience of your users.
The first thing you must do is go to Sales Channels and select “Themes”.
Once selected you will have to click on “Customize”.
Click on the 3 dots next to the theme name and in the drop-down menu click on “Edit code”.
It is important to select the layout “theme.liquid” to be able to insert the pixel correctly.
Finally you must copy the code we provided you when you created the campaign and paste it before the closing of the head tag (</head>).
Click save and we will have our pixel installed in Shopify.