Integrate Zapier with Asap Conver

How to send the emails captured in Asap Conver to your Zapier account automatically.

Step 1: Register in Zapier #

The first thing to do is to have a working Zapier account, to link a webhook you must have a paid account.

Once we have the account operational, we have to go to create Zap.

integrar zapier con asap conver

Step 2: Create a Zap #

1 – In the search engine we put Webhook

webhook en zapier

2 – Choose the catch Hook event

integraciones de zapier con asap conver

3 – Click continue


4 – Copy the Weebhok, go to any data capturing notification (in this example a notification to capture mails), in the notification settings, go to data, activate the button to send captured data to external sources and paste the copied code in the Webhook field.

zapier y asap conver
como integrar zapier con asap conver

Step 3: Test trigger #

You will see that the next step is optional but highly recommended. It is to perform a test and check that the integration has been done correctly. To do this, we have to activate the notification on our website and make it jump to us simulating that we are a user. When we put the data we should see how both in the Asap Conver portal and in Zapier the data are available.

Ejemplo captador de datos asap conver
Datos en zapier

Step 4: Link it to the action we want in Zapier #

In this example I am going to make that every time someone leaves us the contact information, Zapier sends them a welcome email.

  1. Select the email by Zapier option.
  2. In Event: Send Outbound Email
  3. We can customize all the fields of the email
  4. We test the campaign (an email will be sent to the address we have used for testing).
  5. Done. Now you can edit your Zap if you want to change anything.